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Deliverable 11.2 Corporate Social Responsibility Deliverable 11.2 Corporate Social Responsibility

Date added: 08/11/2014
Date modified: 03/15/2016
Filesize: 887.78 kB
Downloads: 5274

This report looks at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across the tobacco, alcohol, and gambling industries in Europe, and also at CSR around decriminalised drugs (coffeeshops) and illicit drugs.  We also look at CSR in the high fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) food industry, given that some have argued that these products are addictive, and because its CSR discourses and practices share many features with the addictive industry.

Deliverable 11.3 Alcohol and cannabis marketing and brain activity Deliverable 11.3 Alcohol and cannabis marketing and brain activity

Date added: 10/09/2014
Date modified: 02/29/2016
Filesize: 1.42 MB
Downloads: 3882

In the present report three multidisciplinary studies are reported about effects of alcohol and cannabis marketing exposure on brain activity and drug-related cognitive processing in users of alcohol and cannabis and in controls. As was described in the Description of Work of the ALICE RAP project, the work consists of two parts. In Part I, a neuroimaging study about the effects of alcohol and cannabis marketing on brain activity is reported. Part II consists of two studies. In study 1 of part II, the immediate effect of alcohol advertisement exposure in light and heavy (but not clinically dependent) drinkers of alcohol is reported. In study 2 of Part II, immediate and long-term effects of alcohol advertisement in alcohol dependent patients are reported.

Deliverable 03.2 Professional's images of addictions Deliverable 03.2 Professional's images of addictions

Date added: 12/12/2014
Date modified: 07/27/2015
Filesize: 653.51 kB
Downloads: 6516

The objective of this study is to inquire the ways in which different European welfare states deal with alcoholism, compulsive gambling and eating disorders. This is studied through the perceptions of these problems as expressed by two welfare professional groups, general practitioners and social workers, in three European countries: Finland, Italy and Poland.

Deliverable 06.1: Social costs of addiction Deliverable 06.1: Social costs of addiction

Date added: 12/30/2014
Date modified: 07/20/2015
Filesize: 8.1 MB
Downloads: 9085

The purpose of this study is to determine the social costs attributable to the abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco, as well as of gambling for three EU countries, Poland, Portugal, and Spain (Catalonia).

WP20 - ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Report - 2nd wave WP20 - ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Report - 2nd wave

Date added: 02/19/2015
Date modified: 04/29/2015
Filesize: 681.46 kB
Downloads: 5449

Report by Tamyko Ysa Figueras and AdriĆ  Albareda Sanz on the outcomes of the second wave of the ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Survey, conducted between June and August 2014, as part of WP20 (Communication and Integration) on project integration.