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WP20 - ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Report - 2nd wave WP20 - ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Report - 2nd wave

Date added: 02/19/2015
Date modified: 04/29/2015
Filesize: 681.46 kB
Downloads: 5448

Report by Tamyko Ysa Figueras and Adrià Albareda Sanz on the outcomes of the second wave of the ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Survey, conducted between June and August 2014, as part of WP20 (Communication and Integration) on project integration.

WP20 - ALICE RAP Network evaluation survey - Final wave WP20 - ALICE RAP Network evaluation survey - Final wave

Date added: 02/09/2016
Date modified: 02/09/2016
Filesize: 1.07 MB
Downloads: 4911

Report by Tamyko Ysa Figueras and Adrià Albareda Sanz on the outcomes of the third and final wave of the ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Survey, conducted in November 2015, as part of WP20 (Communication and Integration) on project integration. Comparisons with the previous wave reports (Wave 2; Wave 1) are available.

WP20 - Report on evaluation survey and network analysis WP20 - Report on evaluation survey and network analysis

Date added: 04/20/2012
Date modified: 07/09/2012
Filesize: 647.3 kB
Downloads: 6036

Report by Tamyko Ysa Figueras and Adrià Albareda Sanz on the outcomes of the first wave of the ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Survey, conducted between September and Devember 2011, as part of WP20 (Communication and Integration) on project integration.

WP21 - Report on policy science dialogue session WP21 - Report on policy science dialogue session

Date added: 07/10/2012
Date modified: 07/10/2012
Filesize: 214.85 kB
Downloads: 3203

Report by Maurice Mittlemark on the Policy Science Dialogue Blogging Session, at the 2nd General Partners' Meeting (Newcastle - May 2012) as part of WP21 on evaluation of the project.

WP21_Third project evaluation report (MS38) WP21_Third project evaluation report (MS38)

Date added: 11/02/2015
Date modified: 11/02/2015
Filesize: 3.51 MB
Downloads: 5276

Third of the three interim project evaluation reports presenting the findings of the following evaluation mechanisms, in the frame of the Bergen Model of Collaborative Functioning:

  • The study of the transdisciplinary research orientations of ALICE RAP scientists undertaken between two and five years after the start of the project
  • An online survey of all partners conducted at a mid-point of the project, assessing the degree of collaboration each respondent had with all the ALICE RAP Work Packages.
  • The study of ALICE RAP partners' experience in the project, their perceptions of synergy in the project, and their attitudes towards future collaboration following the close of the formal phase of the project.