Details for New Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours

Name:New Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours



Peter Anderson, Fleur Braddick, Patricia J. Conrod, Antoni Gual, Matilda Hellman, Silvia Matrai, David Miller, David Nutt, Jürgen Rehm, Jillian Reynolds, and Tamyko Ysa

No one country has yet got governance polices right. The project's outcome is a plan for the redesign of addictions governance, which includes amendments to key metrics used in research, promoting individual-level to society-level scope of understanding in policy approaches, and bringing the impact of dependency on societal well-being to the fore.

New Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours is an unprecedented study, both in terms of international reach and scope of issues addressed. It will be a key resource for anyone with an interest in research-driven European policy change in public health and the field of addictive substances and behaviours.


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Created On: 03/13/2017 16:59
Last updated on: 03/27/2017 14:02