Details for Prevalence of daily cannabis use in the European Union and Norway

Name:Prevalence of daily cannabis use in the European Union and Norway

Author: D. Thanki, J. Matias, P. Griffiths, A. Noor, D. Olszewski, R. Simon and J. Vicente (EMCDDA)

This report brings together, for the first time in Europe, an integrated overview of the prevalence of intensive cannabis use. Cannabis use is relatively common in the European Union (EU) and Norway, with around 23 million people (6.8 % of all 15- to 64-year-olds) having used the drug in the past year and about 12 million (3.6 % of all 15- to 64-year-olds) in the last month. Although the prevalence of last-year cannabis use among the general population is generally stable or decreasing in many countries, demands for treatment in which cannabis is the primary drug continue to rise, indicating a possible increase in related problems.

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Created On: 11/16/2012 12:02
Last updated on: 01/28/2013 15:28