Details for Macroeconomic Environment During Infancy as a Possible Risk Factor for Adolescent Behavioral Problem

Name:Macroeconomic Environment During Infancy as a Possible Risk Factor for Adolescent Behavioral Problem

Authors: Seethalakshmi Ramanathan (State University of New York Upstate Medical University), Natarajan Balasubramanian (Syracuse University) and Rajeev Krishnadas (University of Glasgow).

The current economic crisis has received a lot of attention from policy makers. However, the traditional focus of the attention has been on short-term effects, such as housing and unemployment. The long-term influences of such crises, particularly on infants and young children, have generally not been examined. This study investigates the relationship between exposure to macroeconomic crises during infancy and long-term behavioral problems, including substance use and delinquency.

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Created On: 01/07/2013 12:29
Last updated on: 01/28/2013 15:28