Details for How's life?

Name:How's life?

Author: OECD

"How’s Life?" is a first attempt at the international level to present the best set of comparable and comprehensive well-being indicators for advanced and emerging economies. These indicators feed into Your Better Life Index, the OECD's new interactive web-based tool that allows users to choose the weights they wish to attach to various dimensions of life according to their own preferences and to compare overall well-being across countries. Based on the experience of almost ten years of leading the reflection on better ways to measure progress, the OECD has identified key topics which are essential to well-being in terms of material living conditions (housing, income, jobs) and quality of life (community, education, environment, governance, health, life satisfaction, safety and work-life balance).

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Created On: 05/10/2012 15:48
Last updated on: 06/15/2012 15:20