Details for Deliverable 20.3: Decision Makers Dialogues

Name:Deliverable 20.3: Decision Makers Dialogues

As part of the ALICE RAP communication and dissemination strategy, the project convened and organised a series of Decision Makers’ Dialogues, aimed at policy makers and influencers of addiction governance for jurisdictions of different levels and sizes. This report gives brief accounts of the 6 decision makers’ dialogues held over three jurisdictional levels, and attempts made by the coordinating team to initiate still wider international dialogues linking to the UNGASS on drugs 2016.

Filename:AR_D20.3_Decision Makers Dialogues.pdf
Filesize: 1.41 MB
Filetype:pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/24/2016 11:56
Last updated on: 03/29/2016 09:50