Details for Effectiveness of a Selective, Personality-Targeted Prevention Program for Adolescent Alcohol Use

Name:Effectiveness of a Selective, Personality-Targeted Prevention Program for Adolescent Alcohol Use

Authors: Patricia J. Conrod, Maeve O’Leary-Barrett, Nicola Newton, Lauren Topper, Natalie Castellanos-Ryan, Clare Mackie, Alain Girard.

Selective school-based alcohol prevention programs targeting youth with personality risk factors for addiction and mental health problems have been found to reduce substance use and misuse in those with elevated personality profiles.

The findings of this article further support the personality-targeted approach to alcohol prevention and its effectiveness when provided by trained school staff. Particularly novel are the findings of some mild herd effects that result from this selective prevention program.

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Created On: 01/29/2013 12:34
Last updated on: 01/29/2013 12:41