Details for The Science of Team Science - Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research

Name:The Science of Team Science - Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research

The Supplement "Science of Team Science", published in the The American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM) in August 2008, is devoted to assessing the value of interdisciplinary research and examines factors in science and society that have increased the necessity for more wide-spread and in-depth evaluations of interdisciplinary science. The study of team science is aimed at understanding and enhancing the results of collaborative research, training, and translational programs.

Filename:2008_ajpm supplement on team science_complete.pdf
Filesize: 9.48 MB
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Created On: 02/18/2013 12:31
Last updated on: 02/18/2013 12:50