Details for A model for transdisciplinary team-based research: implications for policy and research

Name:A model for transdisciplinary team-based research: implications for policy and research

Author: Amy A. Eyler

Social and public health problems are complex and require a multidiscipline approach to developing solutions. Perspectives from scholars and practitioners representing diverse disciplines can help in problem solving by contributing unique knowledge, methodological approaches, conceptual frameworks, and theories. Transdisciplinary (TD) research establishes a shared understanding of individual and group contributions through social process in the interest of scientific innovation and generation of new knowledge. “The science of team science” identifies models and recommendations for the most effective TD.

Filename:Link to s13142-012-0166-z
Filesize: Unknown
Filetype:1007/s13142-012-0166-z (Mime Type: link)
Created On: 02/18/2013 12:44
Last updated on: 02/18/2013 12:49