Towards an Addiction Health Footprint
16th February 2016
International addiction experts from multiple sectors gather at the A-Debate in Barcelona to present and debate evidence to underpin global/national and local drugs policies for public health. At the centre of the debate will be the ALICE RAP project’s call for an Addiction Health Footprint to quantify the negative impact that the actions of different producers and regulators of addictive substances have on populations’ health.
- Press relelase - ALICE RAP Addiction Health Footprint - A-Debate (English)
- ALICE RAP Science Finding - Addiction Health Footprint (English)
- Nota de Premsa - Cap a una “petjada de salut” de les addiccions (català)
- Nota de Prensa - Hacia una “huella de salud” de las adicciones (castellano)