ALICE RAP Science Findings

The ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple (1-2 page) account of each of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project. Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.

The full volume of science findings is now available for download.


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ALICE RAP Science Findings - full document 55 findings ALICE RAP Science Findings - full document 55 findings

Date added: 07/05/2016
Date modified: 07/05/2016
Filesize: 14.07 MB
Downloads: 8744

The 55 ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple account of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project - here collected together in a single document. These have been grouped into 7 themes (see table of contents).

Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading through peer-reviewed publications and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.

AR Science Findings 01-Governance practices AR Science Findings 01-Governance practices

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 277.6 kB
Downloads: 5106

An increased convergence of 'addiction' policies in EU Member States has been found, with some interesting similarities of policies in the fields of licit and illicit drugs

Key words: trends, addiction policies, forces, decision making

Lead author(s): Franz Trautmann

AR Science Findings 02-Addiction policy scales AR Science Findings 02-Addiction policy scales

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 223.3 kB
Downloads: 5558

Policy scaling tools, which translate national addiction policies into numbers and measure how strict and/or comprehensive they are, show that there are no unified and integrated addiction policies implemented throughout Europe

Key words: addiction policies, monitoring, scales

Lead author(s): Lindeman, Karlsson & Österberg

AR Science Findings 03-Nordic policies AR Science Findings 03-Nordic policies

Date added: 02/10/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 274 kB
Downloads: 5220

Comparative analyses of historical and conceptual developments in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden show differences in the drug policy agenda and governance, despite fundamental similarities in these Nordic welfare states.

Key words: Drug policy agenda, Nordic countries, welfare, conceptualisation

Lead author(s): Bjerge

AR Science Findings 04-Governance typologies AR Science Findings 04-Governance typologies

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 278.64 kB
Downloads: 5216

Governance of addictions in Europe can be classified into four typologies based on the strategy of their policies and the organizational structure of their governments.

Key words: policy strategy, organizational structure, typologies, governance of addictions

Lead author(s): Ysa & Albareda