ALICE RAP Science Findings

The ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple (1-2 page) account of each of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project. Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.

The full volume of science findings is now available for download.


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ALICE RAP Science Findings - full document 55 findings ALICE RAP Science Findings - full document 55 findings

Date added: 07/05/2016
Date modified: 07/05/2016
Filesize: 14.07 MB
Downloads: 8917

The 55 ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple account of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project - here collected together in a single document. These have been grouped into 7 themes (see table of contents).

Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading through peer-reviewed publications and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.