ALICE RAP Science Findings

The ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple (1-2 page) account of each of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project. Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.

The full volume of science findings is now available for download.


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AR Science Findings 30- Channels of corporate influence AR Science Findings 30- Channels of corporate influence

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/30/2016
Filesize: 260.97 kB
Downloads: 5127

Corporate actors use a wider variety of channels to engage with policy makers. Not all of these are openly acknowledged. Policy makers’ are not always aware of these channels with potentially serious consequences for evidence based policy making.

Key words: channels, political action, addictions, corporate actors


Lead author(s): Miller

AR Science Findings 31 - Effect of alcohol advertisement AR Science Findings 31 - Effect of alcohol advertisement

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/30/2016
Filesize: 201.75 kB
Downloads: 5136

In-lab exposure to alcohol advertisement causes physiological cue-reactivity and craving in alcohol dependent patients. However, the level of exposure to alcohol adverts in patients’ daily lives can not be demonstrated to affect the course of alcohol dependence.

Key words: craving, advertisement, alcohol, dependence


Lead author(s): Witteman

AR Science Findings 54- Networking AR Science Findings 54- Networking

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/09/2016
Filesize: 329.9 kB
Downloads: 5138

Trust, management, and networking are critical for the development of international research projects.

Key words: networking, management, research, trust


Lead author(s): Ysa, Albareda

AR Science Findings 07-Prevalence of alcohol disorders AR Science Findings 07-Prevalence of alcohol disorders

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 351.9 kB
Downloads: 5157

More than 11 million people aged 18-64 years are alcohol dependent in Europe (EU+ Iceland+ Norway+ Switzerland), whereas more than 22 million qualify for an alcohol use disorder (AUD; i.e. alcohol dependence or alcohol abuse/harmful use)

Key words: monitoring, alcohol-attributable harm, dependence, heavy drinking

Lead author(s): Rehm

AR Science Findings 05-Policies for the young AR Science Findings 05-Policies for the young

Date added: 02/10/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 236.82 kB
Downloads: 5161

Although evidence supporting young people’s addictions policies is accumulating, the field is underdeveloped compared to adult orientated actions. Currently, for many areas of concern it is difficult to make strong evidence based recommendations to EU policy makers on effective policy actions for young people.

Key words: Young People, Policy options, evaluation framework, addiction

Lead author(s): Brotherhood & Sumnall