ALICE RAP Science Findings

The ALICE RAP Science Findings give a simple (1-2 page) account of each of the main results coming out of the different lines of research undertaken in the project. Each Science Finding gives a summary of the results and links to further reading and the more detailed ALICE RAP deliverable reports.

The full volume of science findings is now available for download.


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AR Science Findings 11 - Criminal Justice Costs - Portugal AR Science Findings 11 - Criminal Justice Costs - Portugal

Date added: 06/02/2016
Date modified: 06/02/2016
Filesize: 230.82 kB
Downloads: 4700

Portugal decriminalized personal use of all illicit drugs in 2001 and adopted a national strategy based on a strong public health focus. A 2010 quantitative estimate of the criminal justice sector costs for drug control in Portugal showed an expenditure of 73% for detention, 20% for the police sector and 7% for the justice sector. The high costs in the prison sector should be explored in greater depth, to understand whether or not they reflect the country’s new legislative framework and governance of addiction, or are due to other factors, such as investment in treatment services for prisoners.

Key words: Criminal justice, decriminalization, Costs, Portugal

Lead author(s): Liquori

AR Science Findings 52-Interdisciplinary research AR Science Findings 52-Interdisciplinary research

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/09/2016
Filesize: 279.04 kB
Downloads: 4695

Interdisciplinary research activity is challenging but crucial for developing a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of and addressing the factors that influence the development of harmful substance use and gambling behaviours.

Key words: interdisciplinarity, substance use, determinants, gambling


Lead author(s): Gell, Lees, McLeod, Bühringer, Meier, Holmes, Lingford-Hughes, Forberger

AR Science Findings 42 - Ethical basis for governance of addictions AR Science Findings 42 - Ethical basis for governance of addictions

Date added: 06/02/2016
Date modified: 06/30/2016
Filesize: 329.79 kB
Downloads: 4603

Viewing policy and regulation from an ethical standpoint, the prohibition of certain drugs and criminalization of users does not fulfil any of the requirements in protection of the rights of individuals to freedom of choice, reducing risks or promoting well-being of communities

Key words: Governance, Public health, ethical considerations

Lead author: Braddick

AR Science Findings 53-Stage specific determinants AR Science Findings 53-Stage specific determinants

Date added: 02/01/2016
Date modified: 06/09/2016
Filesize: 282.6 kB
Downloads: 4572

Examining the determinants of transitions across a developmental trajectory of harmful behaviour can help with the identification of stage-specific (e.g. risky use, harmful use, cessation of use) determinants, which should result in earlier and more nuanced public health responses to the development of problem behaviour.

Key words: stage-specific determinants, harmful behaviour, transitions, public health response


Lead author(s): Gell, Lees, McLeod, Bühringer, Meier, Holmes, Lingford-Hughes, Forberger

AR Science Findings 15 - Socioeconomic costs of gambling AR Science Findings 15 - Socioeconomic costs of gambling

Date added: 06/15/2016
Date modified: 06/30/2016
Filesize: 259.61 kB
Downloads: 3030

It is clear that the increasing availability and varied forms of gambling and gaming will have socio-economic impacts, but the reliability of estimates of these is hampered by research gaps.

Key words: problem gambling, expansion, social costs, data avilability

Author(s): Remmers P