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WP20 - ALICE RAP Network evaluation survey - Final wave WP20 - ALICE RAP Network evaluation survey - Final wave

Date added: 02/09/2016
Date modified: 02/09/2016
Filesize: 1.07 MB
Downloads: 4879

Report by Tamyko Ysa Figueras and AdriĆ  Albareda Sanz on the outcomes of the third and final wave of the ALICE RAP Network Evaluation Survey, conducted in November 2015, as part of WP20 (Communication and Integration) on project integration. Comparisons with the previous wave reports (Wave 2; Wave 1) are available.

Deliverable 06.2: Avoidable Costs of Addiction Deliverable 06.2: Avoidable Costs of Addiction

Date added: 07/27/2015
Date modified: 01/27/2016
Filesize: 6.8 MB
Downloads: 5016

Following D6.1, which documented the social costs attributable to the use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs in three EU countries with different policies with respect to illegal drugs (Poland, Portugal and Catalonia (Spain)), this report estimates which part of these costs are avoidable with decreased levels of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug consumption, resulting in lower mortality rates and therefore benefits in productivity. It also analyzes the relationships between policies and costs in these countries, especially for costs occurring in the criminal sector, and estimates the avoidable costs associated with a potential introduction of a key policy, alcohol minimum unit price, in Poland.

D2.1 Stakeholder ownership D2.1 Stakeholder ownership

Date added: 07/31/2015
Date modified: 09/28/2015
Filesize: 1.08 MB
Downloads: 5066

This report contributes to understanding of the role of different stakeholder groups in the formulation and implementation of policy in the addictions field, building on case studies carried out in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland and the UK.

WP18 Sub-study: Resilience across generations WP18 Sub-study: Resilience across generations

Date added: 10/01/2015
Date modified: 10/01/2015
Filesize: 568.12 kB
Downloads: 5089

As part of ALICE RAP WP18 this study, performed by Marja Holmila and Kirsimarja Raitasalo (THL), investigated the prevalence of serious substance abuse problems among mothers and fathers and the impact of parents' substance abuse on their child's health and social welfare. Abuse of alcohol, drugs or both alcohol and drugs have been looked at, and links with parents' social status, education, mental health and use of some prescribed drugs are examined.

Deliverable 11.2 Corporate Social Responsibility Deliverable 11.2 Corporate Social Responsibility

Date added: 08/11/2014
Date modified: 03/15/2016
Filesize: 887.78 kB
Downloads: 5221

This report looks at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across the tobacco, alcohol, and gambling industries in Europe, and also at CSR around decriminalised drugs (coffeeshops) and illicit drugs.  We also look at CSR in the high fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) food industry, given that some have argued that these products are addictive, and because its CSR discourses and practices share many features with the addictive industry.