Journal articles

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Exchanging expertise and constructing boundaries: the development of a transnational knowledge... Exchanging expertise and constructing boundaries: the development of a transnational knowledge...

Date added: 04/05/2016
Date modified: 04/05/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2289

Full title: Exchanging expertise and constructing boundaries: the development of a transnational knowledge network around heroin assisted treatment

Author: Duke, K.

Published in: International Journal of Drug Policy, Dec. 2015

From Inebriety to Addiction: Terminology and Concepts in the UK, 1860-1930 From Inebriety to Addiction: Terminology and Concepts in the UK, 1860-1930

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2287

Paper by Virginia Berridge, Jennifer Walke, and Alex Mold

Published in The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs

Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm ... Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm ...

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 06/23/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2248

Full title: Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm. Results from a register-based study / Äidin päihteiden käytön yhteys lapsen kokemiin haittoihin. Rekisteritutkimuksen tuloksia

Paper by Kirsimarja Raitasalo ad Marja Holmila. Published in Yhteiskuntapolitiikka in 2012.

Medicalization of the social perspective... Medicalization of the social perspective...

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2242

Full title: Medicalization of the social perspective: Changing conceptualizations of drug problems in Finnish social care and substance abuse treatment.

Paper by Pia Rosenqvist and Kerstin Stenius

Published in Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

Are mass-media campaigns effective in preventing drug use? A Cochrane systematic review and ... Are mass-media campaigns effective in preventing drug use? A Cochrane systematic review and ...

Date added: 05/04/2016
Date modified: 05/04/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2238

Full title: Are mass-media campaigns effective in preventing drug use? A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors: Allara E., Ferri M., Bo A., Gasparrini A., Faggiano F.

Published in: BMJ Open