Addiction research


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Addiction, agency and affects – philosophical perspectives Addiction, agency and affects – philosophical perspectives

Date added: 02/25/2013
Date modified: 02/25/2013
Filesize: 391.43 kB
Downloads: 2529

Authors: Susanne Uusitalo (University of Turku), Mikko Salmela (University of Helsinki) and Janne Nikkinen (University of Helsinki)

Susanne Uusitalo, Mikko Salmela and Janne Nikkinen provide a philosophical critique of the disease concept addiction and its influential rival, the rational choice model. Instead they propose what they call an ‘affective choice model’ as an alternative to both.

Problem drinking, gambling and eating – three problems, one understanding? ... Problem drinking, gambling and eating – three problems, one understanding? ...

Date added: 02/25/2013
Date modified: 02/25/2013
Filesize: 270.75 kB
Downloads: 2368

Full title: Problem drinking, gambling and eating – three problems, one understanding? A qualitative comparison between French and Finnish social workers

Author: Michael Egerer (University of Helsinki)

Michael Egerer compares Finnish and French social workers’ perceptions of problem drinking, gambling and eating. Based on qualitative analysis of focus-group interviews, he shows how the traditional way to handle addictions, the institutional context of the professionals and the country-specific value climate create a particular understanding of the three problems with gambling diverting most.

An unwinnable war An unwinnable war

Date added: 02/26/2013
Date modified: 02/26/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2660

Author: Alex Mold

Since 1971, when President Richard Nixon made illegal drugs public enemy number one, the USA has spent vast sums waging war on drugs. Over 45 million people have been arrested, and there are now more people in US prisons for non-violent drug offences than were imprisoned for all crimes in 1970. The USA incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world, with a current prison population of some 2·3 million, and more than half of those in federal prison are there because of drug offences.

Drug law reform: when bad policy is good politics Drug law reform: when bad policy is good politics

Date added: 02/26/2013
Date modified: 02/26/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2746

Author: Alex Wodak

The need for reform of drug laws is now growing in many countries, but change is slow because bad policy is still good politics. Thus, many political systems are unable to move forward with reform of drug laws, and change seems most likely to happen through pressure
from civil society.

Differential Psychological Impact of Internet Exposure on Internet Addicts Differential Psychological Impact of Internet Exposure on Internet Addicts

Date added: 02/27/2013
Date modified: 02/27/2013
Filesize: 96.13 kB
Downloads: 2871

Authors: Romano M, Osborne LA, Truzoli R, Reed P

The study explored the immediate impact of internet exposure on the mood and psychological states of internet addicts and low internet-users. Internet addiction was associated with long-standing depression, impulsive nonconformity, and autism traits. High internet-users also showed a pronounced decrease in mood following internet use compared to the low internet-users. The immediate negative impact of exposure to the internet on the mood of internet addicts may contribute to increased usage by those individuals attempting to reduce their low mood by re-engaging rapidly in internet use.