ALICE RAP presentations

ALICE RAP at the Global Addictions Conference

At the Global Addictions conference held in Rome on the 26 June 2014, Dr Toni Gual, co-leader of ALICE RAP, gave a presentation on the ALICE RAP Addictions Footprint as a tool for accountability in global health and sustainable development.

Tg Rome GADD Front slide image

Download the presentation as a PDF.


As a communication tool, the ALICE RAP comms team has developed a prezi presentation, which can be used as a basis for further prezis or simply talked to to present core ideas of the project:

(use the arrow buttons to navigate around the presentation, or simply scroll over the screen to zoom in and out or drag the screen to see different parts of the presentation)

Work Package 1 - Working presentations

Find here two presentations that illustrate the work being done in Work Package 1 (Area 1) - Addiction through the ages.

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ALICE RAP in 60 seconds...

These 28 short presentations give an overview of the progress on major work strands in the first year of the ALICE RAP project.

Download the document as PDF

ALICE RAP Co-publication mapping

This first mapping exercise shows co-publications of the Work Package leaders in ALICE RAP.

WPleaders copub2 - 400pi wide

Why map co-publications of the project?

By mapping the co-publications between ALICE RAP participants at the beginning of the project, and monitoring their evolution throughout the project, we aim to show if and how the scientific collaboration grows as a result of the ALICE RAP project, through a greater amount of bonds between participants, and also a larger number of connections between people who previously had not collaborated.

Download the co-publication map, methods and interpretation document.

More Articles...

  1. ALICE RAP overview