Journal articles

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Encoding and decoding substance use and addictive behaviours Encoding and decoding substance use and addictive behaviours

Date added: 06/16/2015
Date modified: 06/16/2015
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Downloads: 2375

Full title: Encoding and decoding substance use and addictive behaviours – the role of cultural images. INTRODUCTION to special issue

Paper by Hellman M, and Einstein S.

Published in Substance Use & Misuse

What causes addiction problems? What causes addiction problems?

Date added: 06/16/2015
Date modified: 06/16/2015
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Downloads: 3276

Full title: What causes addiction problems? Environmental, biological and constitutional explanations in press portrayals from four European welfare societies.

Paper by Hellman M, Majamäki M, Rolando S, Bujalski M, Lemmens P.

Published in Substance Use & Misuse

From criminals to celebrities: perceptions of ‘the addict’... From criminals to celebrities: perceptions of ‘the addict’...

Date added: 06/16/2015
Date modified: 06/16/2015
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Downloads: 2892

Full title: From criminals to celebrities: perceptions of ‘the addict’ in the print press from four European countries from the nineties to today.

Paper by Beccaria F, Rolando S, Hellman M, Bujalski M, Lemmens P.

Published in Substance Use & Misuse

Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s

Date added: 06/16/2015
Date modified: 06/16/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2965

Full title: Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria and the United Kingdom.

Paper by Berridge V, Mold A, Beccaria F, Eisenbach-Stangl, Herczynska G, Moskalewicz J, Petrilli E, Taylor S.

Published in Contemporary Drug Problems.


Reframing the Governance of Addictions Reframing the Governance of Addictions

Date added: 06/16/2015
Date modified: 06/16/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2148

Paper by Peter Anderson.

Published in Sucht