Journal articles

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Under the influence: 3. Role of parliamentary groups Under the influence: 3. Role of parliamentary groups

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 04/01/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2570

Full title: Under the influence: 3. Role of parlimentary groups.

Paper by Jonathan Gornall. Published in BMJ in January 2014.

Under the influence: 1. False dawn ... Under the influence: 1. False dawn ...

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 04/01/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 1990

Full title: Under the influence: 1. False dawn for minimum unit pricing.

Paper by Jonathan Gornall. Published in BMJ in January 2014.

Under the influence Under the influence

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 04/01/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2079

Full title: Under the influence

Paper by Jonathan Gornall. Published in BMJ in January 2014.

Mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs ... Mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs ...

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 06/23/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2445

Full title: Mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs: Health and social harms among substance-abusing mothers of small children in three child cohorts

Paper by Marja Holmila, Kirsimarja Raitasalo and Mikko Kosola. Published in Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in October 2013.

Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm ... Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm ...

Date added: 06/23/2014
Date modified: 06/23/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2248

Full title: Maternal substance abuse and associations with children’s experiences of harm. Results from a register-based study / Äidin päihteiden käytön yhteys lapsen kokemiin haittoihin. Rekisteritutkimuksen tuloksia

Paper by Kirsimarja Raitasalo ad Marja Holmila. Published in Yhteiskuntapolitiikka in 2012.