Area 6: Addicting the young

Led by Patricia Conrod (King's College London)

Area 6, Addicting the Young, will focus on a population which occupies a large part of the debate in the addiction field – youth.

  • WP 16 - Adolescents as customers - collates and examines the last 10 years of EU Member States’ policies targeted at young people on addictions, to provide an integrative overview of the effectiveness of environmental and cultural components of national policies. Led by Harry Sumnall (Liverpool John Moores University).

    See for further information and research results on this.


  • WP 17 - When culture and biology meet – uses web-based methods to make a cross-cultural comparison of differences in cognitive and motivational processes and their relationship to cultural differences in youth drinking- and drug-use cultures. Led by Reinout Wiers (University of Amsterdam).


  • WP 18 - Understanding and promoting resilience - aims to identify new active intervention ingredients (for specific risk factors or at risk populations), as well as effective components of evidence-based prevention programmes carried out in Europe. Led by Fabrizio Faggiano (University Amadeo Avogadro).

While many interventions at the individual or population levels have evidence of positive effects, a large proportion do not show any effectiveness or, sometimes, show a clear iatrogenic effect, increasing the prevalence of substance-related problems, and producing more harms than benefits.

Area 6 includes document analysis, country-based questionnaires, systematic reviews, web-based assessments of cognitive and motivational processes, statistical analysis of existing data sets, and register-based studies. The findings from Area 6 will contribute to a new thinking about effective answers concerning addictions and youth, and their resilience capacity and roles.

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