Area 7: Coordination and integration

Led by Peter Anderson (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)

One of the current challenges in the addictions field is that the subject as a whole is scattered and divided over a variety of disciplines, substances, institutions, philosophies and subsequent policies

ALICE RAP is a project that reflects this variety of views in its areas; however the project has a thread – Area 7 - that interconnects all the areas, providing continued support and promoting an interdependent and integrated approach of the issue, drawing on the richness of diversity in the project.


  • WP 19 - programme coordination – aims to create the environment for an active cross-fertilisation process among areas and WPs and lead and mobilise all project partners towards into an integrated approach. Led by Antoni Gual (Hospital Clínic - University of Barcelona).


  • WP 20 - Integration and communication – plans to produce state-of-the-science reviews and to create a long-term vision of how we can deliver a sustainable response to addiction over the next 20 years. Led by Peter Anderson.

Foresighting addiction and lifestyles in Europe 2030+. (2013) Karlsen, Gual and Anderson

ALICE RAP networking evaluation survey - final wave (2016) by Adrià Albereda and Tamyko Ysa


  • WP 21 - Programme evaluation - documents the interactions and linkages between project inputs, throughputs and outputs, facilitating structured discussions between all partners. The WP takes an action research orientation. Led by Maurice Mittelmark (University of Bergen).

Computer-mediated communication in ALICE RAP: A methodology to enhance the quality of large-scale transdisciplinary research. (2012) Mittelmark, Amaral-Sabadini et al.

Milestone 36: 1st interim evaluation report, based on interviews with WP leaders within the first year of the project and the computer mediated communication session on the Mission and values of ALICE RAP project held at the Kick Off meeting.

Milestone 37: 2nd interim evaluation report, based on a study of ALICE RAP participant's transdisciplinary research orientation, using the Rosenfield Research Orientation Scale (ROS), with data collected in April 2013.

Results of the Work Package collaboration study, with data collected in June 2014. 

Results of the survey amongst ALICE RAP participants in order to assess project processes, inputs and outputs (data collected in Autumn 2014).

The experts from the Global Science Group devote most of their work to monitoring the quality of the research produced, providing a global overview of the governance of addictions, and important input of other societal trends and public policy responses going on elsewhere.
ALICE RAP is supported by a Media and Communications Group including broadcast and non-broadcast media, as well telecommunications and internet-based networks, with the remit of ensuring a two way dialogue between science and media actors and disseminating ALICE RAP outcomes.

By systematically pursuing the project integration, Area 7 will allow different views or disciplines to address the project’s challenge from different perspectives. A strong steering strategy will enhance interdisciplinarity work and cross-fertilization, contributing to the production of innovative research and an integrated concept of addictions, based on the latest science.

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